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A Guide to Eco-Friendly Living on Campus

Being more eco-friendly doesn’t need to mean a huge lifestyle change: doing several small things can add up to make a big difference. When you start university is the ideal time to become eco-friendly because you’re more in control of your life. Better yet, many of the habits you develop, you’ll keep for life. Here are a few ideas to get you started. 

1. Unplug Your Appliances 

Keeping appliances plugged in uses standby power. Get into the habit of unplugging any you’re not using. This goes for everything from your laptop to your coffeemaker. 

2. Switch to CFLs 

Compact fluorescent lightbulbs (CFLs) use far less energy than regular halogen light bulbs. If your apartment doesn’t already have CFLs, switch out the light bulbs to save energy — you can always replace them with the originals when you move out. 

3. Buy Secondhand and Local 

Make eco-friendly purchase decisions by choosing secondhand and local products. Thrift stores are ideal for everything from clothing to furniture — and this is much cheaper than buying new. Plus, by purchasing local products, you reduce shipping. In addition to looking for local produce, try to buy school supplies and furnishings locally to avoid needing to transport everything with you from home. 

4. Bring Your Own Grocery Bags 

Whenever you go grocery shopping, bring your own reusable bags. This will prevent you accumulating single-use plastic bags, which break if you try to use them more than a couple times. It’s also worth keeping a shopping bag that folds up small with you at all times, just in case you decide to make a purchase. 

5. Minimize Your Water Usage 

There are multiple ways to cut down the amount of water you use. This includes taking shorter showers, turning off water while you brush your teeth, and only doing full loads of laundry. Whenever you’re using water, be conscious of your usage. 

6. Take Digital Notes 

Using paper to take notes for your classes will result in a large amount of waste. If you find it comfortable to take digital notes, consider doing this instead. Whenever you do need to use paper, try to use sheets you already have, such as the back of old handouts you no longer need. When you need notebooks (such as for labs), buy ones made with recycled paper. 

7. Join Green Organizations 

Find out if there are any organizations on campus dedicated to eco-friendly living. They’ll provide you with more tips on how to improve your lifestyle and give you the chance to become involved in larger projects, including advocating for eco-friendly policies or helping other people become greener. 

8. Donate Old Belongings 

Avoid throwing things out that you no longer want but are still useful. This includes clothing, electronics, furniture, and books. Donate them to a local organization or find out if other students would like the items. 

Living on campus doesn’t always give you a chance to be eco-friendly because you’ll likely be sharing a bedroom and need to be on a meal plan (which tends to lead to a huge amount of food waste). You’ll be able to make a bigger difference if you live in off-campus student housing. Oshawa has the ideal accommodation at Foundry Simcoe. Minimize your purchases by moving into fully-furnished rooms and have more control over your life by preparing your own meals in your kitchen and choosing what products you use in your en suite bathroom. Book a tour to check out the suites and townhouses for yourself. 

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